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History of Analytical Chemistry : International Series of Monographs in Analytical Chemistry download TXT, EPUB, DOC


History of Analytical Chemistry is a systematic account of the historical development of analytical chemistry spanning about 4,000 years. Many scientists who have helped to develop the methods of analytical chemistry are mentioned. Various methods of analysis are discussed, including electrogravimetry, optical methods, electrometric analysis, radiochemical analysis, and chromatography. This volume is comprised of 14 chapters and begins with an overview of analytical chemistry in ancient Greece, the origin of chemistry, and the earliest knowledge of analysis. The next chapter focuses on analytical chemistry during the Middle Ages, with emphasis on alchemy. Analytical knowledge during the period of iatrochemistry and the development of analytical chemistry during the phlogiston period are then examined. Subsequent chapters deal with the development of the fundamental laws of chemistry, including the principle of the indestructibility of matter; analytical chemistry during the period of Berzelius; and developments in qualitative and gravimetric analysis. Elementary organic analysis is also considered, along with the development of the theory of analytical chemistry. This book will be helpful to chemists as well as students and researchers in the field of analytical chemistry.

History of Analytical Chemistry : International Series of Monographs in Analytical Chemistry book MOBI, DJV, EPUB

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