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Download book Patricia Roy - Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning in FB2, MOBI


Part of a series on Learning Forward's seven Standards for Professional Learning, this volume offers creative strategies for prioritizing, monitoring, and coordinating the resources required for educator learning and student success. This book includes: An original essay on how school systems can reconfigure people, time, technology, and money to improve and sustain educator growth Implementation strategies, practical tools, and specific examples for maximizing resources--especially time--for teacher learning A case study of how Dearborn Public Schools, Michigan, shifted existing resources to drive professional learning despite tough economic times, The ultimate collection for building a world-class professional learning program! This groundbreaking 7-book series, co-developed by Learning Forward and Corwin, closes the "knowing-doing" gap by guiding educational leaders through the process for implementing the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning. Each volume tackles an individual standard, providing: Original essays written by leading experts in the field to promote deeper understandings of the meaning of each standard An array of templates, tools, and protocols to help you design and delivery quality professional learning in your own district or school Case studies of districts "getting it right" and educators who have realized the promise of effective professional learning, This groundbreaking 7-book series, co-developed by Learning Forward and Corwin, closes the "knowing-doing" gap by guiding educational leaders through the process for implementing the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning. Each volume tackles an individual standard, providing: Original essays written by leading experts in the field to promote deeper understandings of the meaning of each standard An array of templates, tools, and protocols to help you design and delivery quality professional learning in your own district or school Case studies of districts "getting it right" and educators who have realized the promise of effective professional learning

Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning download book DOC, MOBI

One day he finds a curious little man carved on his desk, signed "Ménestel, the all-powerful".It will also be useful to language teachers, especially those working in foreign language learning contexts as they are in a good position to identify reasons for their learners' lack of motivation caused by their success and failure perceptions, and may have some ideas on how to retrain learners' attributions, particularly those which are more external and stable." Neuronal and Synaptic Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability "provides the latest information on Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), the lifelong neurodevelopmental disorders that present in early childhood and affect how individuals communicate and relate to others and their surroundings.A reflection exercise, A Wish and A Star, appears at the end of each chapter to highlight what the student has learned.Also inspired by the rigorous systematic method of Bernd and Hilla Becher and the politics of Simone de Beauvoir's "The Second Sex," "Typology of Women" expresses both the reduction of the represented female form and its almost infinite diversity., In her latest series Typology of Women, the multiple award-winning photographer and artist Bastienne Schmidt shows a series of hand painted cut-outs that represent silhouettes of different types of women.He worked closely with William Whewell, whose Mechanics of Engineering was published in the same year.Although he drew while confined as a psychiatric patient, the formal elements and content of Ramirez s artwork are shaped by his experiences of cultural and physical displacement.", Martín Ramírez, a Mexican migrant worker and psychiatric patient without formal artistic training, has been hailed by leading New York art critics as one of the twentieth century’s greatest artists.With integrated case studies and nursing procedures throughout, the text takes a nursing process approach, builds on previously mastered content, and includes much that is new, including increased coverage of the cultural and global aspects of maternity and women s health care.