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Read ebook Data Visualization for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g MOBI


Design and Deliver Effective Visual Solutions of BI Data Cowritten by an Oracle ACE Director and an expert in data visualization design specializing in BI and analytics, Data Visualization for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g reveals best practices for presenting data-driven insights with graphs, tables, maps, dashboards, and other methods that will immediately enhance corporate decision-making. Throughout the book, the principles of effective design are emphasized. Leverage the power of this comprehensive business intelligence platform to deliver rich visualizations of business information across the enterprise. Create well-organized tables and pivot tables Convey data insights with line, bar, pie, waterfall, radar, and other graphs Configure MapViews so that you can provide interactive maps and spatial analysis capabilities Build advanced visualizations, including trellis charts, gauges, R images, jQuery sparklines, and more Use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to create pixel-perfect reports from various data sources Design effective, interactive BI dashboards Use the Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management module to measure, evaluate, and manage key performance indicators Make smart color choices using data science tools, The only Oracle Press guide to creating effective visual presentations of business intelligence data quickly and easily Data Visualization for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g reveals the best practices for creating graphs, tables, maps, and other methodologies for presenting data-driven insights using one of the most common business intelligence front-end systems in the world, Oracle Business Intelligence 11 g . This information-rich guide offers clear instructions for building top-quality dashboards, analyses, and visualizations from real-world implementers and respected data visualization experts. You'll learn everything from improving the readability of your tables to implementing the latest Advanced Trellis Chart features and from adding native map views of BI data to designing optimal dashboard layout strategies. You'll see how to produce accurate, compelling, and professional graphics that will immediately enhance corporate decision making. Shows proven steps for extracting maximum impact from native features that are little known to the majority of BI users Covers dashboard strategy, including layout, design, navigation, master detail linking, action links, and prompts Addresses how to extend Oracle Business Intelligence 11 g with advanced languages and visualization systems such as JavaScript-based D3 and JQuery, R, and Oracle Application Development Framework Includes an associated web gallery showcasing the colors and graphics that render best digitally, The only Oracle Press guide to creating useful, expressive, highly visual presentations of BI data quickly and easily "Data Visualization for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g" reveals the best procedures for creating charts, graphs, tables, maps, and other methodologies for presenting data-driven insights using one of the most pervasive business intelligence front-end systems in the world. This information-rich guide offers clear instructions for building the most useful front ends imaginable. Multiple real-world examples of impactful and memorable dashboards for specific industries and corporate segments are presented. You will gain the concrete ability to create accurate, compelling, and professional graphics that will immediately enhance corporate decision-making. Proven steps for extracting maximum performance from native features that are little known to the majority of BI users Covers dashboard strategy, layout, design, navigation, master detail linking, action links, report links, and prompts An associated Web gallery showcases the colors and graphics that render best digitally

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In his incisive and engaging book, Dominican Baseball , Alan Klein examines the history of MLB's presence and influence in the Dominican Republic, the development of the booming industry and academies, and the dependence on Dominican player developers, known as buscones.Part V discusses deployments of opportunistic spectrum sharing and white space access solutions in practice, including work on TVWS system implementations, standardization activities, and development and testing of systems according to the standards.Recent attention for the responsibility of Dutch companies and authorities for environmental damage caused in Africa by cargo departing from the Amsterdam port illustrates the emerging of new types of victims in the international legal arena.Instead, the book gives a panoramic view of economic development both below and above the national level.Manuel shows us that a different path is possiblewe can bring China and India along as partners rather than alienating one or both, and thus extend our own leadership in the world., A Simon & Schuster eBook.Ninan then considers the social, economic, and political forces that helped the rise of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the risks of constitutional liberalism yielding space to an illiberal democracy.Where the one is providing symbolic and aesthetic immersion, the other is creating goods for a market and markets for a good.