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Read online book Climate Risk : Tail Risk and the Price of Carbon Emissions-Answers to the Risk Management Puzzle in PDF, TXT


Climate change is fundamentally a risk management problem Climate Risk examines climate change as a risk management issue, detailing the problems inherent in that necessary but complex perspective. Written by a recognized risk management leader, this book details the impact of climate change on both the current economy, and the economy of future generations. Drawing on the insight of a team of Nobel Prize-winning economists, this informative book outlines the factors that make it difficult to price carbon emissions correctly, discusses the perspectives surrounding carbon emission taxation, and explores the probability of various climate change scenarios in the context of damages and valuation. Readers will find detailed arguments for why risk managers should already be taking climate change seriously, and delve into the economic analysis of this global problem. Pricing climate risk properly is key to making the economy work long-term while also being mindful of the potential tail risk and uncertainty that humans often ignore. People are not very good at making rational decisions about rare outcomes, raising the concern of an overreaction when society finally does react to the risk of climate catastrophe and begins to price it. This book explores the critical question of how much climate risk insurance to buy - that is, where to price carbon dioxide emissions. Examine climate change as a risk management problem Delve into the issues surrounding carbon emission pricing Consider appropriate tax levels for emissions Learn how the future economy will be impacted by climate change Damages from climate change won't hit the economy for a while, and the potential for a low-probability/high-damage scenario is so uncertain that it is only recently being discussed academically. Risk managers must be prepared for what's to come, and Climate Risk begins the conversation with some of the best minds in the industry.

Climate Risk : Tail Risk and the Price of Carbon Emissions-Answers to the Risk Management Puzzle read online book MOBI

The issue of risk management is taken at two levels.Martin presents a thinking modification framework that asserts that in the decision-making process, there are three situational states a current state, future state, and a transitional state that one must deliberate in finding a solution.Furthermore, while m- eling systems especially for heuristic search are an active research topic, it is still an open question as to whether such an approach may be generally successful.The Allied high command decided that First Canadian Army would launch the pivotal offensive to win the war—an attack against the Rhineland, an area of Germany on the west bank of the Rhine.Key features: Unified and novel approach: from source to fragility Clear conceptual framework for structural response analysis, earthquake input characterization, modelling of soil-structure interaction and derivation of fragility functions Theory and relevant practical applications are merged within each chapter Contains a new chapter on the derivation of fragility Accompanied by a website containing illustrative slides, problems with solutions and worked-through examples "Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering: From Source to Fragility, Second" "Edition" is designed to support graduate teaching and learning, introduce practising structural and geotechnical engineers to earthquake analysis and design problems, as well as being a reference book for further studies., Combines aspects of engineering seismology, structural and geotechnical earthquake engineering to assemble the vital components required for a deep understanding of response of structures to earthquake ground motion: from the seismic source to the evaluation of actions and deformation required for design., Earthquake Engineering: From Source to Fragility combines aspects of engineering seismology with structural and geotechnical earthquake engineering to assemble the vital components required for a deep understanding of structure response to earthquake ground motion: from the seismic source to the evaluation of actions and deformation required for design.Volume 2 examines applications of predictive modeling.It shows also the details of experimental approaches for model validation, determining of model parameters and measurement techniques.